When Should you workout?

Assuming you have freedom of choice

When we’re looking at the most optimal time to workout we’re taking in really 3 aspects to consider.

#1 Most energy

Ideally we want to go to the gym during the time of day that we are going to have the most energy to work out effectively. In terms of stregnth training this means being able to lift heavy and control the weights

#2 Before a meal

For repairing your muscles at peak efficiency we want to be getting in an appropriate amount of protien within 30 minutes of a workout. This allows for peak protein synthesis meaning more muscle growth

#3 Fullfilment

Consider what time of day is your workout going to give you the most sense of achievement. Working out should be rewarding, and it is important to looking forward to going to the gym.

Luxury of time

Not everyone has the luxury to decide when to workout during the day. That is okay, its about going in the first place and finding a time/place that you can be consistent at.


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